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Adema |
Oil on canvas CONTACT US FOR
Adema was born in Gent, Belgium, where he completed his education in arts at the Academy Sint Lucas. Since 1974 he presented his works in numerous expositions in Belgium and in 1990 he founded “group adema” for weekly studies in drawing and painting (classic to modern art) in Gent, Belgium and since October 2006 another “group adema” exists also in Zug, Switzerland.
His works reveal his inner strength and feature strong and eclectic themes and compositions, allowing an easy approach for the viewer. Painting with a forceful stroke of the brush the expressionist understands nevertheless to disclose certain softness. The viewers are consistently taken by surprise by a wide variety of his works whereas the painter deals with most different influences everyone is facing in day-to-day reality. Thus, the viewers are supposed to recognize themselves and discover the human in the painter